Portrait of a man from Louisiana who is considering testosterone replacement therapy.

Millions of people—such as bodybuilders and cheating athletes—enhance their natural testosterone levels to boost their muscle mass, confidence, energy, and performance. When used this way, without proper medical supervision, testosterone has been linked to unwanted side effects such as mood swings and aggressive “roid rage.”  

Is this connection real, or is the idea of “roid rage” more myth than reality? That question is the subject of much research, but it’s clear that men being treated for hypogonadism (low testosterone levels) show an increase in subjective well-being and mood when their testosterone levels are replenished therapeutically. The phrase “roid rage” was coined a few decades ago based on some isolated incidents but is not a medically established diagnosis.

In this blog post, we’ll explain why balanced testosterone levels are important for both men and women. And we’ll explain that men who are diagnosed with low testosterone levels (“low T”) have no need to be hesitant about undergoing medically monitored testosterone replacement therapy at any of Rejuvime Medical’s clinics in the New Orleans and Baton Rouge areas.

What Is Testosterone’s Function?

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, but it’s also present at lower levels in women. Having normal testosterone levels is important for the health of both men and women, but concerns about low T are linked more to a man’s overall well-being. Testosterone in men is closely associated with muscle mass, energy levels, sex drive, hair on the face and body, and mood. Testosterone levels naturally fall as men age, especially after age 30.

Those levels often fall enough to cause a range of symptoms that can be alleviated with testosterone replacement therapy.

Low T Symptoms

Mood changes and depression are among the symptoms experienced by men with low testosterone levels, which is why it’s important to look past the headlines regarding “roid rage” and recognize the benefits of hormone replacement therapy.

Other symptoms can include:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Lack of energy
  • Reduced strength
  • Belly fat
  • Low libido

Most men with low T experience a mix of these symptoms and can benefit from therapy to bring testosterone levels back to a normal range.

Are There Side Effects?

Side effects may occur when anyone is on a hormone replacement therapy program, but they are largely avoided when experienced specialists medically supervise the therapy. We thoroughly explain the possible side effects to all patients prior to beginning hormone replacement therapy, including specific things associated with testosterone replacement therapy patients. For example, we point out that if a patient does start to experience moodiness or agitation, it’s important to notify the provider because it may be related to an estrogen imbalance.

The most important takeaway from this blog post is that anyone taking anabolic steroids or other types of performance-enhancing drugs without medical supervision risk developing a number of negative side effects, including heightened aggression.

If you want to learn more about whether you’re a candidate for hormone replacement therapy at Rejuvime Medical, contact us using the online form to request a consultation or call us at one of our locations: (225) 960-1580 (Baton Rouge) or (504) 252-9579 (Metairie).

2 Responses to Will Testosterone Therapy Make Me Angry?

  • Brian Miller says:

    I have been on TRT for over a year. My doctor kept increasing my dose of testosterone until I was injecting .9 mL of Delatestryl weekly. I definitely have “‘roid rage”. Although I am in my fifties, I am punching walls and am filled with aggressive rage like a teenager. It’s horrible.

    • Holly Valentine says:

      This is definitely concerning and could be related to excess testosterone as well as excess estrogen levels. Both hormones should be monitored and managed by your TRT provider.

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