Man sitting, staring down

Low testosterone can affect you in a number of ways, but how do you know if you have it?

As men age, it’s common for their hormone levels to fluctuate, but all men don’t experience a significant drop-off in testosterone production like women do when their estrogen levels decrease significantly during menopause. However, more men suffer from low testosterone than many people think. Approximately one in four men suffer from low testosterone, and many men don’t get the hormone replacement therapy they need because they don’t know that they need it! That’s why Rejuvime Medical has come up with this list of common warning signs of low testosterone in men:

#1. Your interest in sex has diminished.

In both men and women, testosterone plays an essential role in sex drive, otherwise called libido. It’s not uncommon for a man’s sex drive to start to decline as he ages, but for men with low testosterone, the decline can be dramatic. While men differ in how frequently they want to have to sex, a man with low testosterone will often find himself without any desire at all.

#2. You are losing your hair.

Testosterone is essential for many bodily functions, and hair production is no exception. Men who are suffering from low testosterone often lose their hair, but what makes this hair loss different than the balding many other men experience who don’t have low testosterone? With natural balding, which is caused by genetics, men typically lose their hair on their head, but they can still grow a beard and they still have hair on their body. Men with low testosterone, on the other hand, often experience hair loss on their face and body, as well as their head.

#3. You have difficulties achieving an erection.

In addition to stimulating a man’s sex drive, testosterone also plays a critical role in allowing him to achieve an erection. While testosterone alone isn’t responsible for erections, it does stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the brain, which is a molecule that assists in triggering an erection. Low testosterone may trigger spontaneous erections, but it can also make it difficult for a man to achieve an erection prior to intercourse.

#4. You just don’t seem to have the energy anymore.

Do you feel like you’re tired all the time, even when you get plenty of sleep at night? Do you have a hard time getting motivated to go the gym? If so, you might be experiencing low testosterone. Another important role of testosterone is the generation of energy. Many men who suffer from low testosterone often complain of fatigue and a feeling of energy depletion, which is much more pronounced than the normal decline in energy that comes with age.

#5. You have been gaining weight.

Studies suggest that testosterone plays a role in how the body stores fat. That may be why many men who suffer from low testosterone experience an increase in body fat, usually located around the midriff. It is also not uncommon for a man who has low testosterone to suffer from gynecomastia, which is a condition characterized by the development of enlarged breasts.

#6. You have experienced mood changes.

The effects of low testosterone are more than just physical. In addition to causing hair to grow and voices to deepen, testosterone also plays a role in mood, as well as mental capacity. Just as many women experience changes in mood and ability to focus when they go through menopause, men also experience mood changes when testosterone levels start to decrease. Many men who suffer from low testosterone are prone to depression, a lack of focus and irritability.

#7. You have lost muscle mass.

Testosterone is essential for both building and strengthening muscles. Men who suffer from low testosterone will often notice a marked decrease in both strength and muscle mass. Unfortunately, not only does low testosterone cause you to lose the muscle mass that you have, it also makes it difficult to build new muscle or rebuild existing muscle.

#8. You don’t produce as much semen as you used to.

Testosterone plays a direct role in the production of semen. In essence, men who produce more testosterone also produce more semen. Men who have low testosterone will often report a noticeable decrease in the amount of semen they produce.

#9. Your bones break easily.

When women go through menopause, it often puts them at a higher risk for developing osteoporosis. The same can be said for men who suffer from low testosterone. Testosterone helps to produce and strengthen the bones, and men with low testosterone may experience bone mass loss. If a man has been suffering from low testosterone for many years without treatment, it puts him at a higher risk for bone fractures.

Have you been coping with any of the above warning signs of low testosterone? If so, hormone therapy in Baton Rouge might be the treatment option you’ve been waiting for. Find out if testosterone replacement is right for you by scheduling your appointment with us online at Rejuvime Medical today.

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