Rejuvime Medical

Are you an active person or athlete who wants to keep competing, but your body just won’t allow it? Have you been gaining weight or battling mood swings and depression? Do you just feel like you’re losing your mojo? Low testosterone may be the cause of these and other symptoms. If you’re ready to get your mojo back, consider bioidentical hormone therapy to help your body function as it did 10 years ago.

In this post, we want to encourage you to discover what life would be like if you had increased energy. If you worked out and felt stronger. If you had that spark again in the bedroom. In no way does this post offer specific medical advice for you because every person’s needs are different. To fully understand your body and what testosterone hormone therapy is right for you we strongly suggest you come visit us for a consultation. But here is a breakdown of why testosterone is so critical to keeping you feeling like yourself.

What Is Testosterone?

The word testosterone is sometimes used in everyday language to excuse or explain behavior or characteristics regarded specifically as male. Testosterone is, indeed the key male sex hormone – but what exactly does it do, and should men worry about their levels getting lower as they grow older?

Testosterone is a hormone, i.e. a chemical messenger, that is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, although females also produce testosterone, albeit usually in smaller amounts.

Testosterone is responsible for:

  • Sex drive
  • Bone mass
  • Fat distribution
  • Muscle size and strength
  • Red blood cell production.

What Happens If Testosterone Gets Too Low?

Because testosterone plays a vital role in many physical and emotional functions, the symptoms of low testosterone are broad, including:

  • Decreased desire for sex (libido)
  • Diminished erectile function
  • Reduced intellectual and cognitive function
  • Fatigue
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Decrease in muscle mass and strength
  • Decreased body hair
  • Changes in skin’s appearance
  • Decreased bone mass/mineral density
  • Increase in abdominal fat mass.

Testosterone levels decrease with age. Bones weaken, and muscle mass decreases along with energy levels. Testosterone supplementation restores levels to those of a healthy younger version of themselves. Increased lean muscle mass and bone density and decreased body fat can all result from testosterone replacement.

While aging will continue whether or not we want it to, we are finding treatments that slow or reverse its effects. Still unsure if HRT is right for you? Read on and hear from a patient of ours …


“As a husband & father, multiple business owner, and fitness & nutrition consultant, energy is my number one priority. And while there are certain things in my control, the decline of testosterone is not.

I recommend HRT to all of my clients, friends, and anyone that is low in testosterone. I can’t stress what a difference it has made in my life from improved mood, focus, energy, and libido, just to name a few.

I used to think that feeling tired and unmotivated is just part of aging. Now I feel and look better than I ever have at 39 years old. And the best part is that I have more energy for my family and my work.

Dr. Jonathan Weiler and his medical team really focus on individual care, and that really has made all the difference. If you’re on the fence, just schedule a consult with Jade at Rejuvime. All of my friends and clients are glad they scheduled theirs!”

-Chris Pixley, patient


Chris believes in testosterone replacement therapy so greatly that he later became CEO of Rejuvime Medical. If, like Chris, you’re ready to regain your mojo, request a consultation or call us at (225) 960-1580 to learn about your options at one of our locations in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans areas.

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